
Sunny Hill Nursery

Sunny Hill Nursery

Early Years Funding (EYF)

Children are eligible for the Early Years Entitlement the term following their 3rd birthday. The school will deduct the entitlement hours from the fees. Sunny Hill Nursery does not accept funding for two year olds. 

For eligible families, the Nursery will claim Early Years Funding (Universal and Extended) from Somerset County Council on your behalf, for the appropriate number of hours, for each of the three funding terms a year.

Spring  (1 January to 31 March)

Summer (1 April to 31 August)

Autumn (1 September to 31 December)

The Early Years Entitlement only covers the delivery of the EYFS. It does not cover the cost of consumable items or additional services such as specialist forest school teaching, access to facilities, PE, cooking, snacks and meals.  Snacks include a variety of fruit, vegetables, cheese, crackers and other foods from around the world. Our hot lunches are 2 courses, and are carefully planned to suit all dietary needs. We consider a reduced sugar diet and encourage a healthy relationship with food. The children have the use of 2 playgrounds for bikes, trikes, climbing, a field for flying kites,  hedgerow for foraging and a forest school site.  Our forest school area is a separate secure part of the site with fire pit, shelter and mud kitchens. We also have a large hall for PE and a family room, dedicated to parents and siblings. Our family room has tea and coffee making facilities and is for parents of Sunny Hill Nursery children to meet others or have a few moments to themselves. The cost of these Additional Resources and Services are charged as an additional fee for 3 yr olds £2.50 per hour  and 2 yr olds £0.57p per hour. Lunches for both are £3.15 per lunch.

For more information please refer to the government website Childcare Choices. and the Admissions Policy 

Admissions Policy Sept 24 


Funding Only Places

For those parents who only wish to access the standard early years provision and not make use of any of the additional resources and services stated above, we hold 2 funding only places on a Monday and Friday afternoon session.  There is no additional resources and services charge for these places. These children may bring their own snack, in accordance with the current allergies risk assessment and healthy eating ethos at Sunny Hill. Funding only places  cannot be used in conjunction with other sessions. They will be allocated on a first come first served basis and once full, names will be put on a waiting list for a funded only place. Parents may contact Head of Nursery about availability.

The Universal Entitlement

 All 3 and 4 year olds are entitled to up to 15 hours of funded childcare over 38 weeks (570 hours over a year). This is knows as the "Universal Entitlement."

At Sunny Hill, our funded hours are between 8.30am and 3.30pm. Therefore we have 7 funded hours a day, or 3.5 hours if your child attends morning only, or indeed Lunch and Afternoon sessions. Twilight is not a funded session. All children become eligible for funding in the funding period after their 3rd birthday. The maximum Universal Entitlement is for 15 hours per week which is claimed by the nursery from Somerset County Council (SCC) and treats the first 15 hours per week of sessions attended as qualifying for the SCC entitlement. 

Working Families Entitlement

 Those families who meet the eligibility criteria for working families entitlement must complete the form allowing Sunny Hill Nursery to verify Working Family Codes for SCC. It is the responsibility of the parent to ensure the  funding code is reconfirmed and valid for each funding period and the updated codes submitted to the nursery. Sunny Hill Nursery will not be responsible for invalid Working Family funding codes. From April 1st 2024 eligible families of 2 yr olds can claim 15 hours as well as those of 3 yr olds.